His Majesty Random the First of Amber and
His Highness Swayvill the First of Chaos,

Desiring to end the state of war now existing between the two Realms
that the mutual profit of both Realms lies in the improvement of their relationships and the promotion of durable peace
Concerned about sparing the lively forces of their Realm,
Willing to maintain justice, peace and security with respect for their sovereignty,
Convinced that the signing of the present treaty is necessary for the conservation of the balance between Shadows,

Have agreed as follows

Chapter 1 - General Provisions

Article I

The purposes of the present Concord are to regulate the diplomatic, military and judicial relationships between the Realm of Amber (hereinafter: "Amber") and the Realm of Chaos (hereinafter: "the Courts"), so as to develop friendly relations among both Realms based on respect for the principle of the sovereign equality.

Article II

1. For the purposes of the present Concord, the following expressions shall have the meanings hereunder assigned to them:
a) "Parties" means any Realm that agreed to be bound by the present concord provisions and towards which the concord has entered into force.
b) "Golden Circle" means the group of Shadows that accessed to the Golden Circle Treaty, notwithstanding the other particular agreements they signed.
c) "Black Zone" means the group of Shadows that accessed to the Merchant's Guild Statute, notwithstanding the other particular agreements they signed.

2. The provisions of paragraph 1 concerning the expressions used in the present Concord do not prejudice of the meaning which can be given to them in the internal law of the Parties to the Concord.

Article III

The Parties shall fulfill in good faith the obligations assumed by them in the present Concord. In particular, the Parties shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of the other Party, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the Concord.

Article IV

The Parties shall refrain from giving assistance to any Shadow that takes preventive or enforcement action against one of the Parties to the Concord. They undertake to review or to overrule all treaties previously signed with Shadows, in particular strategic and military treaties, if these agreements are likely to obstruct the implementation of the present provision.

Article V

Nothing in the present Concord precludes the existence of regional arrangements or agencies, provided that such arrangements or agencies and their activities are consistent with the Purposes and Principles of the present Concord.

Article VI

The Parties shall notify any Shadow annexation and any Shadow under their trusteeship to the other Party.

Chapter II - Military Troops

Article VII

As from the signature of the present Concord, the troops and the garrisons of the Parties shall retreat on either side of Ygg, in accordance with their nationality or infeudation, Ygg being considered to be the border between the spheres of influence of the two Realms. Any breach of the present provision shall lead to the arrest of the servicemen who got themselves into an illegal situation. These servicemen shall be brought to their authorities within reasonable time, and shall be sent for trial and charged with insubordination, according to their relevant internal law.

Article VIII

Prisoners of war shall be returned to their authorities within 5 days, according to the timeline of Amber, or ten cycles of the Courts, following the signature of the present Concord.

Article IX

Should some servicemen of one of the Party, in breach of Article VII of the Concord, be arrested by the troops of the other Party, no harm shall be done to their physical or mental integrity during the custody leading up their extradition.

Chapter III - Embassies

Article X

1. The Parties grant each other a legation right, whether this legation is permanent or not.

For that purpose, they agree to accord all facilities for the performance of the function of the diplomatic mission.

Article XI

Heads of diplomatic missions and members of the diplomatic staff shall be accredited by the appropiate authorities of their Realm by means of credentials.These accreditations shall be subject to the approval of the receiving Realm.

Article XII

The sending Realm can recall any of the members of its diplomatic missions, anytime. The receiving Realm may at any time notify the sending Realm that a head of a diplomatic mission is persona non grata or that any other member of the diplomatic staff is not acceptable. In that event, the sending Realm shall, as the case may be, either recall the person concerned or terminate his functions with the diplomatic mission.

Article XIII

The diplomatic premises shall be inviolable.The authorities of the receiving Realm shall not enter the diplomatic premises except with the consent of the head of the diplomatic mission of the sending Realm or of his designee.The diplomatic premises, their furnishings, their archives and the means of transport of the diplomatic staff shall be immune from any form of requisition for purposes of national defence or public utility.

Article XIV

1. Diplomatic functions consist in:
a) officially representing, in the receiving Realm, the sending Realm.
b) protecting in the receiving Realm the interests of the sending Realm and of its nationals, both individuals and bodies corporate.
c) negociating with the receiving Realm.
d) ascertaining by all lawful means the conditions and developments of events in the receiving
Realm, reporting thereon to the Government of the sending Realm and giving information to persons interested.
e) promoting friendly relations between them in accordance with the provisions of the present Concord and furthering the development of economic and cultural relations between the sending Realm and the receiving Realm.

2. Provisions of paragraph 1 do not prohibit the Parties to agree on the appointment of special and limited diplomatic missions.

Article XV

Appointed members of the diplomatic missions are granted a functionnal immunity. Diplomatic officers and diplomatic employees shall not be amenable to the jurisdiction of the judicial or administrative authorities of the receiving Realm in respect of acts performed in the exercise of diplomatic functions. No personal immunity can be invoked.

Article XVI

The Parties shall respect the principle of secrecy and the principle of inviolability of the mails of the diplomatic missions.

Chapter IV - Condition of Foreigners

Article XVII

1. The Parties grant a right of peaceful passage over their territories and a right of establishment to foreigners of the two Realms, without discrimination.

2. The Parties shall refrain from imposing, directly or indirectly, on the products of the other Party any internal taxation of any kind that is not imposed on the products of their own Realm. In particular, quantitative and qualitative restrictions on imports and exports, and all measures having equivalent effect, shall be prohibited between the Parties.

Article XVIII

Provisions of Article XVII, paragraph 2 do not apply to the products described in the Annex I of the present Concord.

Article XIX

Should a national of one of the Realms commit an offense under ordinary law within the limits of the territory of the other Realm, or against persons or goods under jurisdiction of the other Realm, the Parties agree to extradite to each other persons sought for prosecution or convicted of an extraditable offense by the authorities in the requesting Realm, unless the requested Realm sues the defendant before its own jurisdictions.

Article XX

The Parties shall respect in any case the rights of defence, which mean, in particular, to grant the defendant a legal aid if the defendant asks for it.

Article XXI

Persons prosecuted for political offenses shall be judged by the court of competent jurisdiction of the claiming Party. The claiming Party shall allow an observer accredited by the other Party to attend the trial.

Chapter IV - Final Provisions

Article XXII

The present Concord shall enter into force upon signature by the Kings of the two Realms.

Article XXIII

The Parties can amend or review the present Concord by convening an extraordinary conference or according to a calendar which will be established in a Protocol to the present Concord.

Article XXIV

Should a dispute arise out of the interpretation or application of the Concord, the Parties shall immediatly enter into diplomatic negociation.

Article XXV

Thari is the only authentic language of the Concord. Certified copies of the Concord shall be deposited with the legal department of both Realms.

In witness whereof His Majesty Random the First of Amber and His Highness Swayvill the First of Chaos have signed the present Concord, in the presence of Prince Benedict of Amber and the presence of the legal advisers of the Courts.

Done in the Courts of Chaos, the day after the end of the Patternfall War.

For the Realm of Amber For the Realm of Chaos

Annex I

List of goods subject to prior authorization of transportation and marketing, with reference to Article XVIII of the Concord

Goods subject to prior authorization by Amber
Goods subject to prior authorization by the Courts
Raw sisal Skins of sheep
Liquors with more than 50% of alcohol Skins of reptiles
Not carded nor combed cotton Manganese ore
Not carded nor combed wool Skins of caraculs
Raw wood ans squared off wood Oleaginous plants
Cotton seeds Sebagth seeds
Macis Clove essential oil
Leather and skins of cattle Fresh roots of stramonium
Leather and skins of goats Roasted and unroasted coffee
Fruits of bacalaniers Horns of Zhinds
Pure Ygrath essential oil Bolune's black ore
Cocoa beans Fresh and dried plants of turmoil
Shells, films of and scraps of cocoa Fruits of mandiviers
Roasted coffee Immacolata's crystal
Quileia palm oil Livers of phanons
Lamp oil Hilsas
Kashfa style w oven silk Lamp oil

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